Should we do away with daylight savings?

Americans every Spring or Fall dread the day we set clocks either forward or backward an hour. In spring it is nice to have later sunsets creating extra hours of daylight, but in fall it is dreaded as the sun rises earlier and the sun starts to set at 4:30 p.m. Although for some early risers, setting the clock forward is helpful because it makes getting up easier because it isn’t pitch black outside. But an earlier sunrise also creates an earlier sunset which can be inspiring to some as the sun sets only an hour after we get out of school.

There has been much talk over the years to discontinue daylight savings, but what keeps it from happening is the defense: it would mess up everyone's perception of time, and because of this it was never followed through. I think it wouldn’t set people's concept of time off considering that America is the only country that still uses daylight savings, and every other country has outlawed its use. Those countries seem to be doing just fine with their concept of time so why can't the U.S. outlaw this tradition?

Not only our country being the only one who uses this, but it also confuses many people for the next week. This is because you have to reset your clocks that don't automatically switch, it can leave people looking at the wrong time and cause them to be late or early to things such as work and school. The last reason I think we should ban daylight savings is specially in the fall when the clocks go backward, sunsets are earlier creating as little as nine hours of daylight. As winter approaches and the temperatures drop, so do spirits because with less sunlight many people feel unmotivated or unproductive causing the winter to be a lazy season for most.
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