Debate Over the Benefits of a Post-Halloween School Day Off

The Capistrano Unified School District has kindly let us have a school day off on Nov. 1, but is this really beneficial for us? Some may say yes because it’s a day to rest after Halloween but really, it is an unproductive day for students who could have spent in class learning. Instead of using Nov. 1 as a holiday for students, the district could use it as an extra day of one of our holiday breaks.

The school district often gives us multiple days off that are not really beneficial to us. Yes, some are a good break such as three-day weekends or winter break but sometimes it just gets to be too much. Some students do not get an adequate amount of food at home and school is their main source of food. Also, some students thrive at school by being able to play their sport, learn, and socialize with peers. Instead of teachers assigning packets of work over breaks, leaving students confused and frustrated. It would be so much easier to just have more class time to ask questions and have assistance.

Would you rather the district assign days off every few weeks and have longer spring and Thanksgiving breaks? Or would you rather have a longer summer break and winter break? I would rather have a longer summer and winter break than longer spring and Thanksgiving breaks. Let me explain, the year would only feel longer as we continue to have more days off and we would lose the grasp of our lectures and homework as we continue to have more days off and longer spring and Thanksgiving breaks.

Others may say that having a day off after Halloween is helpful to students because it lets them rest after trick or treating, or partying late but it is their responsibility to party safely on a school night.
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