Should Dana be an Open Campus?


    The question of whether or not to have an open campus at Dana Hills High School is widely debated among students. An open campus for students would be very beneficial for a multitude of reasons. For one, it would allow for students without a lunch to leave and come back during non-class hours to get themselves food. Secondly, as much as staff tries to prevent it, students are already leaving. By allowing students to leave legally, there is a decreased chance of rushing and therefore a decreased chance of students getting into accidents. Some may argue that the risk of students getting hurt while gone is too great. Some may argue that students should not be allowed off campus because they could be late to class. However, a student being tardy is only harming them. If a student is responsible enough to leave campus during the day, they are responsible enough to get any work missed for being tardy. Having an open campus would also allow students to possibly get assignments or study notes that they may have left at home that day. To go along with the food choice stance, the distance from Ocean Ranch and Dana Hills is close enough to not be an issue, as they allow students to have many more options. Having an open campus would also allow students to mobile order food to school so students wouldn’t even have to leave school. The concept of an open campus is inevitable so why not just let it happen?


Author: Lucy Himmelberg

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