Jack Barr - A Creative Mind

    Strolling around Dana Hills High School you can meet a wide variety of people, all of which enjoy their own walk of life. One student who has stood out for their outside the box thinking and style is sophomore, Jack Barr.

    Barr is no less than a creative person as can be seen through the art, videos, and the clothing he creates. Each piece gives the spectator a glimpse into his uniqueness.

    When looking at Barr’s art, it primarily consists of abstract faces and figures with a scribbled look, along with graffiti script. There is a bit of a chaotic aspect to each of his drawings yet it all comes together to create one coherent picture. This brings forward a grungy feel to each of his pieces. Examples of his work can be found on his instagram profile “@trashman145” where he also regularly posts clips of his life. In an interview with Barr, he explains that “day-to-day things, a lot of abstract art and also music,” acts as inspirations for his art. At times Barr will screen print his designs onto articles of clothing and sell it to his friends. In the same interview he explains how in the future he “would love to go to an art or fashion school… since [he] is always trying to make something new.” No matter what path Barr chooses to go down it would appear that he is set on doing what he enjoys no matter what.

    Currently Barr is putting most of his energy on a large collage using his screen prints, as well as shirts to promote a movie he is producing called, “FML” (Full Movie Length). This film focuses on skating and is also another medium for his art. When asked about his creative processes and what gets him in the mood to create, Barr responded, “ummm… honestly I have no clue. Sometimes caffeine helps, but not really getting me in that mindset. More to motivate me to think.”

    On top of his drive to create killer art and produce distinct projects, Barr is very prevalent in the community and enjoys logging, skating, and finger-boarding with his friends.

    It is safe to say that Jack Barr is a very talented and unique student here at Dana. Keep an eye out for his many projects and make sure to say hello when passing him in the halls.

Author: Dean Cornett
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